
Grandchildren…A Fall Portrait.

So I took the photos of all my nephews and niece the other day at my parents house.  It’s tradition for my parents to have all their grandkids on their christmas card and this year, they asked me to take the photo in the backyard so the lake would be in the pic.  7 kids, ages 10 and under.  HAHA, I knew it would be interesting.  But hey, the sky was dreary and at least it didn’t rain…..Here goes, these are the best ones:

The oldest (Nate, in the white stripes) hates being in front of the camera, but knows he has to anyways and didn’t put up a fight.  His brother, Nicolas..(shaved head, in the brown stripes) 2nd to oldest is just a ham.  Their little brother, Ian (is between them, in the white shirt with the yellow stripe) is just mad at the world and wants a blue lollipop.  Brandon (the other boy in the brown stripe shirt) is another ham and is trying to hold his sister from getting off of the canoe because she doesn’t want anything to do with this.  My boys, Justin (the older boy in the red & blue striped shirt)….which I cannot believe is LOOKING TOWARDS the camera because I couldn’t bribe this boy to save my life, as I am threatening him that he isn’t playing with the new puppy that Auntie Sara just bought to Papa’s house if he doesn’t look at me and isn’t getting a lollipop either. LOL  And my youngest, Zachary is just looking at the chaos and thinking, OMG what the heck have I gotten myself into????? 

Seriously….those of you who are photographers and have children KNOW that you can rarely get your own children to smile for portraits.  I should hire another pro to do this. HAHA.  But that’s ok.  They are kids and everything doesn’t have to be perfect.  In the end, they all got a lollipop and they were happy as can be…

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Rhode Island, MASSACHUSETTS & Connecticut

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